
أكثر من 70 فرصة .. وظائف خالية لجميع المؤهلات والتخصصات في القاهرة والمحافظات

أكثر من 70 فرصة .. وظائف خالية لجميع المؤهلات والتخصصات في القاهرة والمحافظات

أكثر من 70 فرصة .. وظائف خالية لجميع المؤهلات والتخصصات في القاهرة والمحافظات
أكثر من 70 فرصة .. وظائف خالية لجميع المؤهلات والتخصصات في القاهرة والمحافظات

كتب: وراء الاحداث

ننشر العديد من الوظائف الخالية لجميع المؤهلات والعديد من التخصصات والتي نشرت عبر المواقع الرسمية للشركات أو المصانع أو عبر صفحاتها على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي أو ضمن مبادرة طور وغير والتابعة لوزارة الشباب والرياضة. 

وفيما يلي جميع الوظائف المطلوبة وفقا لكل شركة في الشروط والتفاصيل ورابط التقديم أدناه:

1- شركة خير بلدنا هايبر ماركت تطلب وتعلن عن:

يوم توظيفي مفتوح يوم السبت 27 مارس
نظرا للتوسعات الكبيرة التي تشهدها شركة خير بلدنا في الفترة الحالية، فإن الشركة تعلن عن رغبتها في ضم كوادر.

1- وظائف المديرين:
مدير فرع- مدير قسم الأغذية الطازجة- مدير قسم الأغذية الجافة- مدير مسائي (خبرة سابقة بنفس المجال).
مدير خدمات العاملين بالفروع- مدير منطقة أمامية –
2- وظائف التشغيل:
مشرف كاشير – كاشير – خلف الكاشير
مشرف خدمة توصيل طلبات – موظف خدمة توصيل ( دليفري )
سائق خدمة توصيل طلبات
– مشرف بقالة وجبن- مشرف لحوم- مشرف أسماك- مشرف أغذية جافة- مشرف خضار وفاكهه- مشرف أدوات منزلية
– بائع بقالة وجبن- بائع خضار وفاكهة- بائع أسماك بائع لحوم ( جزار بلدى )
منسق ممرات / منسق تجميل ومنظفات- منسق مخزن- بائع أدوات منزلية
مشرف FMC
موظف FMC
أمين مخزن- مراقب مخزون
منسق طلبيات وتوريدات ( لوجستيك )
مشرف أمن- موظف أمن- مراقب كاميرات
موظف خدمات
مزايا الشركة
*مرتبات مجزية *حوافز شهرية * تأمين طبي * تأمين اجتماعي * بدلات انتقال ومعيشة *فرص للترقي *
الشروط العامة :
* جميع المؤهلات الدراسية.
* السن من 18 إلى 40 سنة
للتقدم يرجى ملء الاستمارة باللينك التالي ثم الذهاب مباشرا في الميعاد والمكان المحدد::اضغط هنا
المكان: مركز شباب الأنفوشى
الميعاد:- يوم السبت 27 مارس ٢٠٢١
التوقيت :- من الساعة 11 ص إلى 4 عصرا


2- شركة راية كول سنتر تعلن عن يوم توظيفي للطلبة والخريجين:

من11 ص إلى 3.30 عصرا يوم الأحد 28 مارس
على الوظائف التالية:
– خدمة عملاء كول سنتر (رد على مكالمات)
عربى لايشترط أي لغة- طلبة وخريجين
مكان العمل: العباسية
– مؤهلات عليا خريجين وطلبة
– ذكور
– مقبول باللغة الانجليزية
حد اقصى 38 سنة
1750 جنيه لـ 8 ساعات عمل
1100 جنيه لـ 4 ساعات عمل
يومين إجازة
للتقدم يرجى ملء الاستمارة: اضغط هنا

والذهاب مباشرا على العنوان التالي:

ميدان العباسية- برج التطبيقيين بجوار مترو العباسية- شركة راية- الدور 18


3- شركه اوبو ايجيبت للهواتف الذكية عن حاجاتها لافراد امن لفرع القاهرة(مدينه نصر):

1- مؤهل متوسط
2- ذكور فقط /السن من 40 سنه وحتي 50 سنه .
3- خبرة بنفس المجال من سنتين فأكثر
4- القابليه للعمل في نظام شفتات أو ورديات صباحيه ومسائيه .
5- المواعيد 12 ساعه يوميا- الاجازم يوم واحد بالتناوب .
للتقديم املئ بياناتك: اضغط هنا

و سيتم التواصل معك


4- مجموعة فروع كاديني للملابس الكلاسيك تطلب للتعيين:

في سوهاج- أسيوط- الفيوم- دمنهور
1- مدير فرع
2- نائب مدير فرع
3-بائعين فروع
مكان العمل: أسيوط- دمنهور- المنصورة
الشروط المشتركة:
– مؤهل متوسط وعالي خريجين
– خبرة في نفس المنصب في مجال البيع الكلاسيك لاتقل عن 3 سنوات
– حد أقصى للسن 30 سنة
– مستوى مقبول بالإنجليزي
الحقوق المشتركة
– رواتب مجزية حسب الخبرة
– 9 ساعات عمل
– تأمينات
– حوافز شهرية بناء على المبيعات
للتقدم للوظيفة يرجى ملء الاستمارة التالية: اضغط هنا


5- شركة كبري في مجال ألعاب الأطفال:

1- مبيعات خارجية
2- مبيعات عبر الهاتف (إناث فقط)
مكان العمل: النزهة (تلي سيلز)
(المبيعات الخارجية بالقاهرة والجيزة)
– مؤهل عالي خريجين
– خبرة في نفس الوظيفة
– حد أقصى للسن 32
– جيد بالإنجليزية
الحقوق والمميزات:
– المرتب للمبيعات الخارجية: 4000 + العمولة والتلي سيلز 2500 + العمولة
– 9 ساعات عمل
– يوم إجازة
للتقدم يرجى ملء الاستمارة التالية: اضغط هنا


6- أوسكار جراند ستورز لتجارة المواد الغذائية يطلب للتعيين:

1- شيف جزار (توضيب)
تقطيع اللحوم وتشفيتها والبيع
2- شيف بقالة
تقطيع الجبن- البيع
3- شيف تنظيف وبيع أسماك
تنظيف الأسماك- البيع
4- شيف خباز وتسوية مخبوزات
الدراية الكاملة بجميع أنواع المخبوزات وكيفية التصنيع والتسوية
5- منسق بالأقسام المختلفة (رص وتنسيق المنتجات)
6- مراقب أمن
مكان العمل: الفروع المختلفة (التجمع الخامس- مصر الجديدة- الزمالك- المعادى)
الشروط المشتركة:
– مؤهلات متوسطة وعليا
– خبرة في نفس الوظيفة ماعدا المنسق والأمن
– ذكور وإناث
– حد أقصى للسن 45 سنة
الحقوق المشتركة:
– المرتب حسب الخبرة
– 9 ساعات عمل
– مواصلات (أو بدل مواصلات)- تأمينات صحية- حوافز بعد مرور سنة
للتقدم للوظائف يرجى ملء الاستمارة التالية: اضغط هنا


7- سيماك لمستحضرات التجميل Semak For Cosmetics تطلب للتعيين:1- مبيعات خارجية (البيع للشركات)
2- برموتر (عرض المنتجات والفلايرز بالفروع)
3- سوشيال ميديا (بالدقي)
مكان العمل: القاهرة والجيزة
– مؤهلات عليا خريجين
– ذكور وإناث
– لا يشترط الخبرة في وظيفة البرموتر
– يشترط الخبرة في وظيفة المبيعات والسوشيال ميديا
– حد أقصى للسن 35
– يشترط جيد جدا في الإنجليزية في وظيفة السوشيال ميديا
– مرتب عالي + عمولات
– 8 ساعات عمل
– تأمينات طبية واجتماعية
للتقدم يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية مع صورة شخصية حديثة على:
Subject: (Job Title + 409) for example (مبيعات + 409)


8- شركة أوباي Opay لماكينات دفع إلكتروني تطلب للتعيين:

1- قائد فريق توزيع Supervisor
2- مندوب تحصيل وتوزيع
توزيع الماكنيات وتحصيل المحافظ الإلكتروني
مكان العمل: المنيا- الفيوم- أسيوط- الأقصر- بني سويف- سيوة- الغردقة- أسوان- قنا-سوهاج
الشروط المشتركة
– مؤهلات عليا وفوق متوسطة خريجين
– ذكور وإناث
– خبرة في نفس المجال والوظيفة
– حد أقصى للسن 35 سنة
الحقوق والمميزات:
– المرتب: للسوبرفايزر 5200
للمندوب: 3400
+ بدل موصلات 1700 + عمولة شهرية ع التحصيل
يومين إجازة
9 ساعات عمل
للتقدم للوظيفة يرجى ملء الاستمارة التالية: اضغط هنا


9- شركه كارل كير Carel Care Transsison إحدى شركات ترانزيشن موبايل تعلن عن حاجتها لتوظيف:1- كول سنتر
2- أمين مخزن
3- مسؤول علاقات عامة
1- كول سنتر
مكان العمل: القاهرة رمسيس
متطلبات الوظيفة
– خريحين مؤهل عالي
– خبرة من 6 شهور
– حد أقصى للسن 30 سنة
الحقوق والمميزات:
المرتب 2700
8 ساعات عمل – يومين إجازة
2- أمين مخزن
مكان العمل: القاهرة رمسيس
متطلبات الوظيفة
– خريجين مؤهل عالي
– خبرة من سنة
– إجادة الإكسيل
– حد أقصى للسن 30 سنة
الحقوق والمميزات:
المرتب 2700
العمل من 10ص إلى 6.30 م + (يومان) إجازة
3- مسؤول علاقات عامة
مكان العمل: القاهرة- الإسماعيلية- المنيا- الأقصر- الإسكندرية- المنصورة
متطلبات الوظيفة
– خريجين مؤهل عالي
– خبرة من سنة
– إجادة الإكسيل
– حد أقصى للسن 30 سنة
الحقوق والمميزات:
المرتب 3000
العمل من 10ص إلى 6.30 م + (يومان) إجازة
للتقدم للوظيفة يرجى ملء الاستمارة: اضغط هنا


10- شركة العربية للطيران- مصر AirArabia تطلب :

Coordinator- Human Resources

Company: Air Arabia Egypt (E5)
Cairo، EG
Only Egyptian nationals are eligible to apply. This postion is based out of Cairo، Egypt.
Job Purpose
Plans، facilitates, and efficiently executes on-going support services in the area of Talent Acquisition. Manages the day-to-day activities such as: vacancies, sourcing candidates, short-listing, interviewing, selection, on-boarding, exit process, career fairs, internship programs, etc. in line with company’s policies and procedures and as per Egyptian Labour law.
Key Result Responsibilities
Releases the agreed vacancies using available tools، ensuring all agreed criteria are included and content is approved by HHR as per the company’s approved standards; whenever required, places advertisements for vacancies.
Navigates the web، sourcing engines and the available CVs databank to identify candidates based on skill sets and competencies. Conducts pre-screening, short-lists qualified candidates with objective summary on each.
Liaises with HHR/Line Manager on the interview formalities and the assessment methods; prepares necessary material and logistics، communicates details to candidates and designated managers, and facilitates the assessment canters stages and results.
Compiles the interview assessment results، prepares a report on short-listed candidates.
Follows up with candidates on the results of their interviews whilst reflecting a positive corporate image of Air Arabia all the time.
Communicates with selected candidates to finalize pre-offer formalities. Obtains approval prior to extending the employment offers/contracts; Advises the candidates on the offer content ensuring their understanding of the general P&Ps benefits، entitlements, restrictions and regulations.
Follows up with new joiners to obtain their feedback on the recruitment process، environment, and working conditions at Air Arabia.
Facilitates exit interviews and keeps records of the outcome to prepare the “Attrition Reports”. Generates/maintains other reports a such as Recruitment Status Report، New Joiners Checklists, etc.
Updates the HR system with the valid records and scanned documents needed for complete personnel files; maintains databank of all qualified CVs to refer to for future vacancies.
Notifies employees when visa renewal is due with the required documents to be submitted.
Works closely with the payroll team to facilitate the exit clearance formalities for resigned/terminated/retired employees

Qualifications (Academic، training, languages)

Bachelor’s degree in human resources / Management/Administration or equivalent; alternately a diploma or certificate in a related field combined with needed years of experience.
“Competency Based Interviewing Techniques”، “Effective Interviewing Skills”,“ Negotiating and Influencing”, “Evaluation and Assessment”, trainings are an added value.
Ability to use technology systems/tools mainly recruitment Sourcing Engines and agencies.
Proficient in Microsoft Office- Internet، LinkedIn, and Web Search.
Very Good written and verbal communication skills.
Very good English and Arabic Languages

Work Experience

4+ years of related working experience in Human Resources in any service industry preferably in Airlines out of which a minimum of 2 years at least working in Recruitment/Talent Acquisition.
Must have worked in a mid-sized organization operating on a regional/multinational level.
Knowledge in HR functions (mainly employee services/payroll) and the corresponding processes is a pre-requisite.
Familiar with formalities and pre-requisites associated with Immigration and Labor requirements.
Relative experience in conducting interviews and assessments for candidates within agreed guidelines.
Capable of meeting deadlines without compromising the quality of outcome.
Capable of prioritizing responsibilities and acting in critical situations.
Proven skills in working with data، records and resources with high efficiency.
High attention to details، confidentiality, and ability to adhere to procedures and set measures are a must.
Cost-oriented، possesses effective negotiation and problem-solving skills.

للتقديم: اضغط هنا


11- شركة العربية للطيران- مصر AirArabia تطلب :

Company: Air Arabia Egypt (E5)
Cairo، EG
Job Purpose
Assists in providing substantive legal and administrative work to ensure the protection of the company’s legal and contractual rights، this includes but not limited to: contracts management, litigation and arbitration formalities, licensing, and projects coordinating. shall carry all responsibilities with utmost confidentiality and in alignment with law and regulations to ensure company’s corporate image is positively reflected and maintained.
Key Result Responsibilities
Drafts، initiates, proof checks and maintains contracts of different nature and templates including fuel supply contracts to be signed between Air Arabia and external parties according to agreed terms and conditions.
Obtains necessary information، documents and signatures from both parties ensuring all legal aspects are being covered to minimize the risk on the company.
Validates contracts in terms of clauses، signatories, expiry, and restrictions; arranges for necessary copies to be circulated to concerned parties ensuring an electronic copy is maintained on the In-House shared drive.
Creates، maintains, and regularly updates an organized electronic/manual archiving system and database of all contracts, documents, and various contacts to be retrieved by the Legal Team as needed.
Assists the “Legal Counsel” in all licensing and entity formation related formalities pertaining to new registrations and renewal of trade licenses and service level agreements، etc.
Coordinates with Subsidiaries (where applicable) and Government Departments to ensure smooth processing; follows up on due payments and charges with Finance Division and concerned parties as needed to avoid any penalties or delays from company’s side.
Pro-actively coordinates the In-house workflow of all litigation and arbitration formalities. Establishes contact with external parties such as the General Counsels، Law Firms, Commercial Managers, Courts, etc., to ensure all legal cases and disputes are being addressed and managed effectively.
Prepares all necessary official documentations and information needed for litigation and arbitration mechanisms; reviews notices، collates evidences and proofs from different sources to be considered for legal actions.
Schedules hearings and communicates information to concerned parties، follows up on decrees and final decisions to ensure successful implementation.
Prepares a monthly status report covering information on disputes، complaints, and claims received, decrees, decisions and actions taken, as well as, a summary on final status of cases.
Maintains an up-to-date database of documents such as complaints، correspondence, notices, decrees, and evidences related to official disputes and court cases to be referred to when needed.
Establishes relationships with business partners، heads of departments and external parties to facilitate work-flow and operations pertaining to legal and contracting day-to-day activities.
Assists the legal team in all projects and administrative work such as correspondence، e-mails, claims, researches, scanning, profiling, archiving, database and track tables creation, charts, circulations, mail, etc.
Coordinates internal/external meetings and activities of the legal team، prepares agendas, minutes of meeting, distribution lists, creates and maintains key contact and distribution lists.

Qualifications (Academic، training, languages)

Bachelor degree in Law، Paralegal Studies or equivalent.
Proficient in Microsoft Office (Advanced Excel and PowerPoint)، Internet and Web Search.
Very good business writing and reporting skills.
Fluent in Arabic and English languages.

Work Experience
3+ years of working experience as a legal assistant or paralegal working closely with senior level attorneys in a law firm or corporate legal environment; preferably within Airline industry.
Egypt experience، knowledge of Egypt regulations, litigation and arbitration mechanism is a must.
Proven skills in managing court cases and disputes pertaining to formalities، documents, and follow up.
Experience in initiating and drafting contracts of various nature.
Highly organized with experience in developing and maintaining filing / archiving systems.
Employs a balance of technical expertise، and interpersonal relations to interact with senior/ mid- level management and subordinates as well as execute new initiatives that support company’s objectives.
Demonstrates the ability to contribute and successfully deliver against business strategy and set KPIs.

للتقديم: اضغط هنا


12- شركة العربية للطيران- مصر AirArabia تطلب :

Call Center Agent- GoCozmo- Cairo
Company: Air Arabia PJSC (G9)
Cairo، EG
Job Purpose
To support the Contact Center section across the entire network by handling customers’ inbound calls and providing information on the various products and services; processing flight and holidays reservations، modifications and cancellations; promoting other ancillaries and services to maximize sales and enhance customers’ experience ensuring productivity is in line with set measures and company’s adopted policies and procedures.
Key Result Responsibilities
Handles customers’ enquiries، requests and complaints in a positive effective manner whilst ensuring company’s branding and corporate image are reflected in a positive manner and as per approved quality standards.
Responds to customers’ incoming calls pertaining to all kinds of enquiries، requests, and complaints timely and accurately to reflect a positive image of the company.

Provides accurate information about the company’s products and services; processes travel bookings، modifications and cancellations on reservations.
Handles customers’ complaints of different nature، identifies and prioritizes problems according to complexity, and provides immediate solutions accordingly.
As needed، escalates complaints to concerned parties in Contact Center or any other division and follows up on action taken.
Promotes the company’s products and services through cross-selling such as ancillaries، holidays packages, loyalty programs, etc. ensuring monthly targets are met thus increasing the revenue and sales.
Converts lead calls to Contact Center sales agents and field sales agents as needed and follows up with customers to ensure enquiries been responded to effectively.
Demonstrates thorough understanding of the Contact Center core activities & functionalities، supports the team in day-to-day operations ensuring maximum productivity, flexibility, and cooperation are achieved.
Ensures all key performance indicators for customer satisfaction are achieved، including agreed service levels, quality standards and productivity.
Demonstrates willingness and cooperation in learning new initiatives and methodologies that add value to the overall performance.
Performs any additional responsibilities as advised by the Line Manager/Supervisor.

Qualifications (Academic، training, languages)
High School/Diploma or equivalent.
Capable of using technology systems and tools such as Microsoft Office.
Good in English & Arabic Languages; (Non-Arabic speakers to be considered based on Line Manager’s approval only).
No hearing or articulatory problems.

Work Experience
No previous experience is required for this role; any experience would be treated as an advantage.
Capability of understanding market trends and channeling them leading to effective customer care solutions
Possesses effective communication skills that enable him/her utilize in building sales and marketing techniques.
Capable of understanding customers’ problems and direct them in the right channel.
Ability to work for long hours and under pressure.
Capable of identifying problems and immediately reacting to situations of different nature such as angry customers، complaints and special requests.
Demonstrates the ability to contribute and successfully deliver against business strategy and set KPIs.

للتقديم: اضغط هنا


13- شركة اتصالات مصر Etisalat –

1- Treasury Manager
Management of cash position reporting and activities to increase returns or decrease cost.
Initiate strategy of cash management
Regular review treasury policy and propose amendments in light of financial and economic outlook.
Manage and review cash flow report to determine funding needs or investment opportunities.
Enhance cash flow through communicating and solving aging collection problems with relevant stakeholders.
Ensure business continuity through managing cash operations to ensure all company’s liabilities towards banks and suppliers are met.
Lead relationship with dealing banks and facilitate the operational workflow for team members.
Enrich the role of the team and support with knowledge transfer and training needs.
Maintain control over finance department’s entry booking through bank reconciliation review and action enforcement.
Automating Treasury operations in line with overall company’s digitalization goal.
Handle all external audit requirements to support financial statements.
Qualifications & Experience:
University Degree in Bachelor of Commerce– (Accounting / Finance Section)
Area of experience: Treasury، Banking، Finance.
Very Good Computer skills،
Excellent in Advanced MS excel and Power point.
Very Good in Arabic & English (Reading، Writing & Oral)
Excellent Leadership، Communication and Negotiation skills
5 to 7 years of Experience in Corporate Treasury.
Corporate banking experience

للتقديم: اضغط هنا


14- شركة اتصالات مصر Etisalat –

– OD Senior Analyst

Performs a range of job evaluation، Re-structuring، and organizational design services including designing، documenting, and evaluating jobs; to validate and study the business needs while acting as a custodian of the system to avoid redundancies and ensure proper cascading of tasks and responsibilities.
Main Responsibilities:
Focuses on jobs and structures in the organization by supporting with the org design; while ensuring clear roles and responsibilities across.
Conducts job analysis interviews with middle/top Management to collect، analyse، and document job data to prepare or edit job descriptions for Re-evaluations and Re-structuring.
Study job performed and interview incumbents، supervisors، and managers concerned to ascertain job requirements and tasks/responsibilities involved.
Assist line management on all matters related to the preparation of job description، or revises existing job descriptions، to reflect standardized language for cross-cutting job skill and complexity levels and to remove redundancies and ensure proper cascading of responsibilities top down.
Provides technical guidance to all employees for all three entities in regards to policy interpretation on all aspects of organizational structuring and job evaluations.
Assist the OD Manager in initial evaluation and JE factoring of all new jobs and re-evaluations prior to submitting to HOD TR&OD for review.
Reviews clusters of jobs (position structures) and overall organizational designs for potential to improve effectiveness.
Carry out comparative analysis of job functions، specifications، grades and other occupational data، in relation to other jobs in the company.
Keeps abreast of ‘best practices’ in HR business processes as they may impact work of the Department. Provides innovative human resources solutions within a given framework.
Ensure that all jobs are created and available on the system.
Work closely with Total Rewards، Man Power Panning and Shared Services teams in any follow up operational request to ensure accuracy in the organization data.
Approve all Hiring Requisition forms of Etisalat Misr، EGS and ISP and provides recruitment team with the approved grades، title، minimum requirements and job synopsis/descriptions to ensure they are correctly reflected in the recruitment requisitions.
Responsible for preparing and presenting both evaluation and re-org cases to the calibration committee (OD Manager، Head of Total Rewards & OD، HRBP and HRD) on weekly basis.
Run monthly organisational charts & conducts regular audit checks of the org structure and recommends changes to make the org more efficient.
Audit the business functions as potential changes of job descriptions are identified.
Manage ongoing system enhancements with the IT.
Frequent contact with all departmental SPOCS to handle arising day to day issues.
Responds to concerned accounts’ requests and act on solving related services’ issues.
Responsible for preparing different statistical reports and analysis when needed.
Performs other duties as assigned.
Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline.
Very Good in Arabic & English (Reading، Writing & Oral) and Very good computer skills. Negotiation، Interviewing & Communication skills.
Proposal & Business writing.
Statistical analysis skills.
High literacy in Mircorsoft Office (Word، Excel & Powerpoint)
Visio; Oracle & SAP user
Minimum 5-7 years HR related experience experience; with at least 3 years with OD background. Preferable experience in telecom field

للتقديم: اضغط هنا


15- شركة اتصالات مصر Etisalat –

Revenue Assurance Analyst

Execute the Rating validation، usage counters، interconnect and platform integrity including post-paid and loyalty controls to save the revenue streams، and give trust to the management that all revenue streams are accurately identified, captured, recorded, billed, invoiced and reported in a timely manner.
Maintain and enhance the Revenue Assurance processes and control framework to ensure that all revenues are accurately charged، billed، collected and reported.

Perform internal & external monthly reports to the top management and group RAFM including group RAFM KPI list، RAFM Frame work، Highlighted Issue list، revenue leakage quantification.

للتقديم: اضغط هنا


16- شركة اتصالات مصر Etisalat –

– Project Management Engineer

Role Objective
Support and plan for Enterprise projects within agreed time-scales and budgets، while ensuring and recommending appropriate solutions and standards quality of customer installations.
Main Responsibilities
plan the project life cycle from receiving the order from over the system till delivering the service and getting customer acceptance.
Validate project order to confirm that requested services over the system are matching customer requirements.
Confirm End-to-End solution to start the preparation and implementation plan and secure needed resources.
Coordinate between technical teams to ensure the smooth implementation and prompt action or decision taken in case of any problem that may occur.
Confirm network readiness for supporting new services and/or working with network team for preparations required to support customer requested services.
Follow up project plan milestones to ensure service delivery as per agreed
Monitor project cost to ensure that cost level is within approved project B.C
Request for B.C updates if required to accommodate new cost
Communicate with customer project plan and agree with him for it as per project SLA
Agree with customer for communication procedures and updates frequency according to project milestones.
Ensure the closing procedure after the customer acceptance of the project to ensure project hand over with all needed documents and solutions for smooth operation.
Qualifications Essential
B.Sc. In Communications Engineering or computer Science
Good knowledge of data networks
Experience Essential
1-3 years of experience with at least 1 year in project management
Good experience with Enterprise customers

للتقديم: اضغط هنا


17- شركة اتصالات مصر Etisalat –

– Project Management Engineer

Role Objective
Support and plan for Enterprise projects within agreed time-scales and budgets، while ensuring and recommending appropriate solutions and standards quality of customer installations.
Main Responsibilities
plan the project life cycle from receiving the order from over the system till delivering the service and getting customer acceptance.
Validate project order to confirm that requested services over the system are matching customer requirements.
Confirm End-to-End solution to start the preparation and implementation plan and secure needed resources.
Coordinate between technical teams to ensure the smooth implementation and prompt action or decision taken in case of any problem that may occur.
Confirm network readiness for supporting new services and/or working with network team for preparations required to support customer requested services.
Follow up project plan milestones to ensure service delivery as per agreed
Monitor project cost to ensure that cost level is within approved project B.C
Request for B.C updates if required to accommodate new cost
Communicate with customer project plan and agree with him for it as per project SLA
Agree with customer for communication procedures and updates frequency according to project milestones.
Ensure the closing procedure after the customer acceptance of the project to ensure project hand over with all needed documents and solutions for smooth operation.
Qualifications Essential
B.Sc. In Communications Engineering or computer Science
Good knowledge of data networks
Experience Essential
1-3 years of experience with at least 1 year in project management
Good experience with Enterprise customers

للتقديم: اضغط هنا


18- OPPO Egypt is Hiring a Graphic Designer

• Main Job Duties:
• Study design briefs and determine requirements
• Conceptualize visuals based on requirements
• Prepare rough drafts and present ideas
• Develop illustrations، logos and other designs using software or by hand
• Use the appropriate colors and layouts for each graphic based on the Standard
• Ensure projects are completed with high quality and on schedule
• Work with a wide range of media and use graphic design software
• Designing visual concepts using graphic design tools including design software
• Designing Ads for New Service For the After Sales Dep
• Job Requirements
• Bachelor’s degree preferably in design، marketing, and advertising or relevant field.
• experience in graphic design and creative field، included 1-2 years of experience is preferred in (mobile Field) .
• Agencies Background is preferred.
• Courses or previous experience in photography project.
• Able to work on photography and videography projects.
• Professional at using different graphic designs tools (Photoshop، illustrator, in design)
• Good knowledge at Video Photo and video editing tools (After effect، premier, lightroom)
• Excellent communication skills، Mentorship- Time-Management, Organized, detail-oriented, and passionate in the process of design.
If you are Interested Please Send your Updated Resume & Portfolio or behance link to hr@oppo-aed-eg.com Mention (Graphic SC) in the Mail Subject


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